Jules Breau

About me
Hello/Bonjour! I am a fourth year Aerospace Engineering Stream A student. I am currently on my 16-month co-op term at KF Aerospace in Kelowna, BC. I am passionate about aviation and snowmobiling. I love the outdoors and I am interested by anything that moves. I was heavily involved with CMAS in my second and third year of university. I was an Events Director and Vice-President External. I also stayed connected with the society throughout my co-op term, assisting the current VPX in planning and hosting the first ever CMAS Co-op Conference. I believe I have what it takes to improve CMAS and bring the society to the next level!
Retaining Members
- CMAS members are mainly first year students. There is a large disconnect between the society and most upper year students. Students tend to be less involved with the society after their first year. Action needs to be taken to retain members throughout their degree.
- Having a variety of year standings participating with the society will benefit everyone. Lower years will gain valuable upper year connections. Upper years will be able to take full advantage of what CMAS has to offer.
- Solutions: Reevaluating what CMAS has to offer, creating more events that target upper years, expanding CMAS’s services, expanding upper year outreach.
Expanding Industry Opportunities
- Expanding CMAS industry related events. Host an online industry night in fall semester to target companies outside Ottawa region.
- Increase industry tours. Approach companies in the Ottawa to host in-person tours of their facilities.
- Host industry talks with professionals. Target companies that the CMAS membership is interested in.
Membership Perks
- Reevaluating the benefits of a CMAS membership. Looking into cutting the costs of memberships.
- Reevaluate what the office space is used for. Potentially creating a schedule for study hours and social hours.
- Expanding services to fit the needs of students in all year standings. Further promotion of the services offered to ensure students know what the society has to offer.
Xavier Haziza

About me
- My name is Xavier I am in my 3rd year of Mech eng. You might know me as the finance dictator of CMAS and CuInspace. Little known fact about me is that I heard goats.
● Mech
○ Continuing the outreach and inclusivity that has been done this year for the
mech community
○ Continuing the mech committee and ensuring mech inclusive events and
○ Further developing the ideals of cmas to include
○ Top gear night
● Supporting my fellow execs
○ Taking on work from other execs when needed
■ I have done 2nd year rep and finance so i am well equipped to take on
○ Making sure that my fellow execs have a good work life balance by helping
them with any work that needs done and helping them hire any directors or
helpers when needed. Or encouraging the deflation of portfolios to make sure
that one person can do their job to the fullest!
● Fostering connections between societies and MAE capstones and projects
○ Spearheading more president meetings
○ Starting an MAE or societal ‘senate’
■ Semi frequent meetings for societies, design teams, and capstones to
come together and organize.
● Continuing the great work of previous presidents with faculty relations
○ Meeting with professor Cyr and miller to voice the priorities and needs of
students on a regular basis.
● Fostering a welcoming and supportive space in the office
○ Taking feedback from the membership and changing policies and office vibes
when needed.
● Negotiating our stake in scotiabank with CUSA and CSES to make sure that CMAS
has the right bank account for our needs.
● Ensuring that the CMAS membership is a worth while purchase by continuing to
improve our services, events, and merchandise.
● Starting to host open office hours for members of the community to come and talk to
me about CMAS or faculty concerns.
Vice President Internal
Declan McCloskey

About me
Hello there! I am running to continue serving CMAS as Vice President Internal in the 2023-2024 year. I have a deep passion for space (which any of you who have attended an Astronomy Night this year know!), and I am always looking for ways to integrate my own passions into the Society so that others can benefit from them too.
In the past year as VPI, I have accomplished a number of goals I set out to complete as part of my platform from last year. Chiefly, with the help of the Constitutional Review Committee, I conducted a full rewrite of the CMAS Constitution, which will be taking effect on 1 May 2023. These changes have included a full restructuring of the executive team, the formal inclusion of Executive Accountability as a constitutional requirement, a new election policy, and many other changes for the benefit of the general members of the Society. As the person who created this new document, I am well-positioned to help guide the Society in this transition to a new way of working, particularly in the newly restructured Executive Council.
Over the course of my 2023-2024 term, I plan to not only facilitate the transition into a new team format, but also to communicate more openly with the membership of the Society about the internal affairs of CMAS, continue to improve the Constitution as needed, and introduce a new library of mechanical and aerospace engineering focused books for members to be able to access for free! Most importantly, as VPI (even though this is not part of the official portfolio), I plan to continue to support CMAS’s involvement in Astronomy Nights at Carleton, a passion project of mine that this year’s team has helped me bring to life for the first time last summer and then several times throughout the academic year.
If you have questions about my platform, or any other inquiries for me at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me by email at or on Discord at Flight Deck#1718!
Vice President External
Monica Paul

About me
Hello everyone, I’m running to be this year’s Vice-President External for CMAS. I have been involved with CMAS for the past 2 years as a first-year rep and the services director and have a passion for CMAS! In my free time, I really enjoy rock climbing, hiking, and taking naps on the CMAS couch.
- Continue to improve upon community engagement in CMAS by:
- Increasing time for promotion before events
- Support the Publications committee (and chair until a Publications director is hired)
- Hosting a variety of events
- Meet with the executive team to discuss the most successful events from this year to bring back and expand upon them as well as discuss ideas for the new year
Personal and Professional Development
- Plan and run workshops geared towards:
- Leadership skills and professional development
- Mental well-being and personal care
- Continue developing upon Jake’s (the current VPX’s) CMAS Conference idea
- Use the feedback that will be collected from the workshops to help with planning
- Foster a positive culture that supports work-life balance
- Continue maintaining and building upon a culture of open communication and understanding within the executive team and beyond
- Work to help the office be welcoming and open to everyone
Vice President Finance
Zach Scott

About me
Hi everyone! I’m Zach, I’m in first year aerospace (maybe mech who knows) here and I am
currently one of the first-year reps here at CMAS. Some things I enjoy doing are watching F1,
playing music or video games, and just vibing with friends. I was born in Vancouver, but most
recently lived in Guelph before coming to Ottawa and I am really enjoying it here.
Ensure everyone gets the funding they need to keep CMAS running smoothly.
• Keep making money so we can host events at less cost to our members.
• Increase transparency in our budget.
• Create a financial plan for the future of CMAS.
• Ensure we are not overspending on things that are not necessary.
Naomi Yakubovich

About me
Hi everyone! Hiya I’m Naomi your current events director and I’m running for VP Finance. A few things you should know about me is I love fall (spooky season), I love making Spread sheets and forms and I make a mean lemon loaf.
As VP Finance I would continue to CMAS’ efforts to be transparent not only to the execs but also to the members. I plan to do this by compiling monthly reports on income and expenses and the different categories of each. In addition to the reports, I am hoping to evaluate CMAS’ spending and see where we can put more money towards and where we may to revaluate. In order to do this, I plan to work with VP Services to see what services members like/want to use more to better benefit the membership. Finally, I hope to continue the long-term plan of CMAS and budgeting to ensure CMAS can continue to serve the membership and put out great events for many years to come!
Vice President Services
Cynthia Cairns

About me
Good morning! My name is Cynthia Cairns and I use she/her pronouns. I am a second year Aerospace student (stream A). I am a CMAS volunteer, working as a Tool director under the current Services director, Monica. In my free time (if any is available) I enjoy working out, making swim lesson plans, studying in the CMAS office, and spending time with friends.
As a tool coordinator, I want to work to fully implement the CMAS tool loan program to be able to give tools and supplies out to members, such as our soldering kit.
A smooth transition to the new constitutional setup will be necessary to have services running effectively. I will ensure this will happen through organisation of responsibilities to the required directors and continue with the effort and projects started this year to provide more for CMAS members.
With the new director positions being created in the new constitution, I plan to help facilitate the office, so it continues to be run effectively and stocked with supplies, while functioning to benefit its members through community feedback.
I would help to guide and order new and current merchandise while searching for the most cost-effective suppliers to continue to deliver the CMAS merchandise we love.
I plan to work with the services director team together, being open with plans to members, asking for their input onto services we will provide them. We will communicate as openly as possible for the most effective services team next year.
Events Director
Grace Smith

About me
Hi! I’m Grace, one of this year’s first-year representatives for CMAS. I am also
involved with the C-Eng musical, Leo’s, and I attended FYIC. I am in aero,
and I want to go into stream D, since I am really passionate about space and
As events director, I will use my knowledge from my experience on the CMAS
executive team this year in order to run this year’s most successful events, as
well as create new and improved events for all members.
As a first year representative, I was able to shadow our current events
directors and learn all about what it takes to run events for such a large and
diverse society. I even had the opportunity to run my own event this year, the
Uno Patch Tournament, which had a great turnout and was lots of fun. I plan
to run new, innovative events such as this in the position of events director.
A goal I plan to work towards is the communication of events within the 3300
block. I will advocate for transparency of events planning with other societies,
and reach out to each society’s respective events / social directors. This will
allow for the CMAS membership to not only participate in our events, but to
enjoy the activities offered by all societies in C-Eng.
Community feedback is very important to me, and I want to run events people
are excited for! I plan to utilize community feedback forms to continue to
improve on our events, as well as collect ideas for new, exciting activities for
the CMAS community.
Maxim Kari

About me
Hello, I am Maxim Kari, I am a first-year student studying Aerospace Engineering here at Carleton University. I am from Kingston Ontario and currently work with the Canadian Armed Forces as an infantry soldier. I enjoy hiking, building stuff, telling stories, and meeting new people.
Continue to do the events that went well this year. A lot of events were new this year as Carleton has finally gotten to be in person, so a lot of trial and error was done. We want to continue with the popular events and ones that we heard the best feedback on.
– New awesome events for the next year of our own creation. Hearing ideas and feedback from the Eng community will help us out with planning and coming up with ideas.
– Advocate for communication between the other C-Eng societies so there is minimal overlap. A few times we had events running at the same time, which put people in an awkward position of having to choose which one to go to.
– Ensure events run smoothly and as planned by having backup plans made ahead of time, and doing multiple checks with execs and venues to ensure everything operates as intended.
– Ensure folks have an awesome time at each and every event so they can come back for more.
Office Director
Jaime tenBrinke

About me
- Hello, my name is Jaime tenBrinke you may have seen me around CMAS this year planning and organising all the fun events we put on this year as Events Directors. In my free time I like to go for walks, build computers, and play video games. During my summers I often go back home to Nova Scotia to work at a campground for the third year and obviously to see my three dogs again.
- As Office Director I will personally make the office the most organised and clean it has ever been, I have a strong ambition on organisation as can be seen by the constant reorganisation of the events drawer.
I wish to continue Piper’s vision of the CMAS office being a place for academics rather than for leisure and storage. To accomplish these goals I wish to put in place a better storage method for winter belongings for the members and execs of CMAS.
I believe CMAS can be easily cluttered which makes the room more stressful and difficult to navigate, I will make it my goal to sort through every miscellaneous item in the office to distinguish whether it’s necessary and should be kept in the office.
I plan to also streamline the process of training the office volunteers with the addition to regular training of a simple accessible flowchart document with all the necessary information for any circumstance to occur in the office.
Technical Director
Sam Raab

About me
My name’s Sam and I am currently a First Year Representative at CMAS, and a heavy machinery enthusiast. I am well-versed in the requirements of the Technical Director’s position, and I have relevant experience with computer maintenance, server moderation, website upkeep, 3D printing, and more. I’m always willing to lend a helping hand, as I’m sure many of you may attest to, and with the help of my trusty Mini Cooper I can get any job done!
- Implement and expand upon the Tech Loan Program, using resources provided by the current Technical Director.
- Create formal 3D printer training, and a queuing system that is visible to all members. The associated Google/Microsoft form would also be able to track frequent users and costs associated with said users.
- Keep the Minecraft server running, and make changes/updates when requested. Possibly host other games servers if there is interest.
- Add phone chargers to all workspaces in the office that lack them.
- Revise current website, making changes where necessary. Regular updates that go live at the same time as instagram and discord announcements.
- Upload meeting minutes for all members to see, ensuring that anything public-facing is professional enough.
- Continue appropriate moderation of Discord server, and maintain integration of announcements with other societies and various speakers.
- Ensure there is always toner/filament in the printers, with spares ready.
- Resolve any problems that may arise with office computer, monitors, network, etc.
- Ensure all payments for the website are made on time.
- Purchase any tech items that need to be replaced, and expand existing inventory of cables, flash drives, etc.
Finlay Maroney

About me
Hi, I’m Finlay Maroney. I’m a first year mechanical engineering student and the 2022-2023 CSES technical officer and EngFrosh technical. Whenever I’m not simulating trusses, I’m usually playing with servers or 3D printers (or both).
- Streamline the CMAS 3D printing process so everyone with office hours can easily setup prints
- Optimize the CMAS Minecraft server to fix the lag issues
- Save CMAS money through hosting more stuff through CSES
- Consolidating CMAS’ IT assets with CSES’ server room for easier future management and faster setup times for new projects and services
- Promote CMAS’ equipment loan program
- Create a consolidated CMAS historical archive and backups of all of CMAS’ important data
- RGB mechanical keyboards for all members to use with the office monitors
3rd Year Representative
Jaden D

About me
Hey I’m Jaden! I’m running to be your third year representative. I love all things Aero but I also love skiing, science fiction and watching Formula One. I’ve been a CMAS member since my first year and have always enjoyed the events and services CMAS provides.
I want to use my past experience of being a first year representative and VP Internal for CUE to best represent the interests of third years and bring awareness to issues or difficulties faced by third years in their classes and their experiences in the engineering department in general. Image