CMAS is looking to review and edit our Constitution! If you are interested in assisting with this, please contact Bea Levin at cmas.vicep.internal@gmail.com by November 25th for more information on how to join.
CMAS is looking to review and edit our Constitution! If you are interested in assisting with this, please contact Bea Levin at cmas.vicep.internal@gmail.com by November 25th for more information on how to join.
Kirk is the CTO and co-founder of Obruta Space Solutions, and Carleton PhD student! This is your chance to hear about Kirk’s experience in academia and industry, and ask any questions you may have! November 9th from 5:30 – 6:30 PM, link: https://meet.google.com/apx-evoq-rrc. Check out Orbruta’s website:
Come out to the 2020 CMAS FSGM! hear what our execs have been up to for the past few months and get an insight as to what’s in store for the next few! Join us next Tuesday at https://thecmas.ca/general-meeting
Hey come out to the CMAS Meet N’ Greet! This is a chance for you to meet the CMAS executive team and your fellow Mechanical and Aerospace students. It’s going to be a chill night to hang out with other THRIVING engineering students. Interested? Join us from this Tuesday November 3rd from 6-8pm (EST)! This event will be taking place in the 3300 block discord server.
The deadlines for undergraduate scholarships are rapidly approaching. Ottawa Valley ASHRAE has TWO local scholarships available worth $3,000 each! If you wish to apply please begin the process ASAP. ASHRAE Society also has numerous undergraduate scholarships worth up to $10,000 with more information at the link below. Note that Society scholarships are far more competitive than the local scholarship, but we suggest applying for both. The deadline for submitting an application for ASHRAE Society Scholarships is December 1st and references are required!
Calling all CMAS members! We need YOUR help to make CMAS the spookiest society of them all! Redesign the CMAS logo and make it scarier than when your CAD software freezes and you haven’t saved your work . To submit a design you can dm us the picture or email cmas.dir.publications@gmail.com. We are accepting submission until October 25th at 11pm! The spookiest design will represent CMAS and compete against all the other clubs and societies!
Rules are in the poster and here is the link to the CMAS logo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cncO8VAbRHinVDlcPiDcLr1c8tGWKmas/view?usp=sharing
The CMAS Paper Airplane Competition is back! This is your chance to build the coolest paper airplane ever and win prizes! You will have one week to make a video showcasing your paper airplane. Can your plane do a loopty-loop? SHOW US! Can your plane fly far? SHOW US! Can your plane do nothing but crash into the ground?? SHOW US!! Is your airplane just a really really aerodynamic crumpled up paper ball? SHOW US!! You can use whatever program you want to make the video (TikTok, iMovie, etc). Once you’re done, submit it on the form in our bio. Top videos will be posted on our social media pages and then our members will vote for the winner!
Submit your video here
Submissions close Monday October 19th at 11:59pm
Submissions have landed! Now it’s time to vote for your favourite videos! Watch the videos here:
Vote here: https://forms.gle/fXeUV2nFBkzjUnTV6 Voting closes Thursday at 23:59!
CMAS First Year Rep applications are now open! If you are in first year, this is your opportunity to join the CMAS executive to help decide how CMAS runs, and represent the views of first years. This is a great opportunity if you are looking to get involved in the Carleton engineering community, and gives you the chance to help get other first years involved as well as getting to meet and work with experienced upper year students.
If you aren’t a first year, but know one, send them here and encourage them to apply!
We look forward to your application! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.