
My name is Charlie Brockmann, and I’m very excited to announce my candidacy for President of CMAS in the 2025-2026 academic year. Engineering is not just about the equations and problem solving, it’s about working together, lifting each other up, and leading by example. That’s why my platform is built around the idea of “Lift and Lead”! Lifting those around me to new heights, and leading by example to create a stronger, more connected community in CMAS. If elected, I aim to foster an environment where every member can gain valuable skills, build meaningful connections, and feel supported through their time here at Carleton. I wish to accomplish this by introducing new aspects to CMAS, and bolstering the pillars we know and love. To Lift, I want to introduce CMAS professional development events and resources, as one of the biggest challenges that students face is translating their technical knowledge into real-world success. I aim to introduce new targeted workshops, run by myself or members of the community who have knowledge to share. This would include: resume and LinkedIn building sessions to help students present themselves to recruiters, interview prep with industry professionals to give them the tools to stand out, and public speaking and leadership training to empower students to communicate confidently and effectively. By equipping our membership with these skills, we are ensuring that every student in CMAS has the chance to leave with a stronger professional foundation. CMAS should be more than just a professional network however, it should also be a place where members feel supported and connected. So building off the progress we’ve already made this year, I aim to fully support our new year representative committee to ensure they can hit the ground running in the new year. In our continually evolving community its imperative that every voice is heard, that is why I plan to work closely with the reps in order to ensure all corners of our department is reached. To Lead, The president is the face of CMAS to many external organizations and groups, as such they must represent the society with integrity and professionalism. If elected, I will strive to lead us by example: not only through my actions but by fostering a culture of accountability and respect, especially within the executive team. By leading with transparency and open communication, I aim to create a society where students feel comfortable bringing forward their ideas and concerns, knowing they will be heard and acted upon. In addition, I aim to continue our excellent relationship with the MAAE faculty via our department liaison meetings, and by collaborating in their outreach events. Working closely with the rest of the executive team, we can put the wants and needs of students first, promoting change that we want to see within the department, and implementing it in our own community office. Vote for me, Charlie Brockmann, and together we’ll Lift and Lead CMAS into the future.

For those who do not know me, I’m a 4th year Aerospace Engineering student and this year I served as CMAS’s VP Internal and a CUSA Faculty of Engineering & Design Councillor while working full-time as a co-op student at Airbus Canada.
Serving as CMAS’s VP Internal has enabled me to grow in so many areas. From helping to lead such a large team, conflict resolution, taking on new portfolio items, and time management between taking classes, my co-op position, other involvement in the community, and whatever else life has thrown at me this year. Overcoming and learning from these challenges has made me confident in my ability to lead CMAS into the next year.
Since my first year, I have seen CMAS grow into a strong advocacy body for MAE students respected by faculty members and the department, provide expanded services to help students with their projects and studying, and become a community of students with diverse backgrounds who share our vision. In addition to all that CMAS has become, I have seen what our members grow into, we produce student leaders who become the most hardworking and capable members of the engineering community at Carleton and beyond.
I want to see that this all continues with a focus on ensuring that members of our team are more directly mentored and given opportunities to expand their leadership skills. I plan to individually meet with each member of the executive team this year and create a personal goal/project to work towards throughout the year to promote agency and ownership of their work and growth.
Another area CMAS has grown in recent years is low commitment involvement through new coordinator positions and I would like to see this continue. I will create a new Academic Library Coordinator to organize and manage the CMAS problem-set and note library, and explore how CMAS can better support students in achieving their academic success. I will also work closely with the executive team to explore if any additional coordinator positions could be useful to help manage their portfolios.
Finally I want to ensure that CMAS members know that we are also an avenue to professional opportunities, supporting and planning an expanded Career Fair next year along with our Industry Night to further bring benefit to our members and improve our relationship with more employers.
One of the greatest compliments I have received is that my work as VP Internal inspired someone to pursue a leadership role in this community. I take that responsibility very seriously and I hope that as your President you will not only look at me as a leader but also a mentor who is always open to listening and helping you achieve your goals.
Vice President Internal

Hi! I’m Lexy and I am running for CMAS VP Internal! As Internal I would like to: Implement VP and Director specific training, particularly in how to lead a team and have difficult conversations. Furthermore, train execs on how to advocate for themselves as directors underneath VPs. The goal with executive training is to provide the team with tools on how to deal with difficult situations before they arise and not during. I would also like to ensure that the exec team feels comfortable reaching out to VPI and feels confident in my ability to aid them through any issues. Set year specific goals for the entire team: Ensure the entire exec team has a chance to discuss what they want to see from CMAS this upcoming year and how we can collaborate together on reaching those goals. Furthermore, setting expectations about how meetings are to be run and how the inner workings of CMAS are to be run prior to the school year to ensure each executive feels heard and gets the most out of their position within CMAS.
Vice President External

Hello! My name is Madeline Neubrand and I am a first year Aerospace Engineering student here at Carleton university. I consider myself to be quite the extroverted and involved person. If you ask around the 3300 block, you may hear my name mentioned regarding a few different things. This past year I have been involved in many C-Eng and beyond activities such as (but not limited to): Leo’s lounge volunteer, Concrete Canoe design team, C-Eng Musical props team, CMAS office and calendar coordinator, CSES special projects director, ESSCO outreach commissioner and OEC 2026 competitions support director! As the current outreach commissioner for ESSCO, a lot of my current position involved sending emails to companies, and representatives of companies, which gives me a fair bit of experience relating to this position.
Things I look to accomplish for the 2025-2026 Year:
- Collaborate with the 99’ers or Women in Aviation International
- This Would not be a women’s only event, just geared towards the female students, due to the majority of conference and fair representatives usually being male.
- Career fair (2026 edition!)
- This year there were a few contacts who unfortunately couldn’t make it to the career fair, but wanted to get involved next year.
- I want to reach out to these people to make sure they are able to come next year and get loads of support for the career fair!
- I would set the date way in advance, making sure representatives can 100% block it into their schedules beforehand!
- Scheduling events around exams
- Midterm weeks and finals weeks are a huge reason some people don’t show up or participate in events
- I don’t want to add any more stress to the most stressful weeks of the year, so getting midterm and finals schedules as soon as they come up will be best for making sure nobody gets left out due to their schedule.

Hi everyone! My name is Hayley Ross, and I’m a second-year Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering student. This past year, I was one of the Events Directors for the CMAS, where I gained valuable experience organizing initiatives for students. I have held various leadership roles within C-ENG and beyond, which have strengthened my skills in event planning, outreach, and engagement. I love snowboarding, kayaking, all things medical, and learning about people! I’m passionate about creating opportunities for students and fostering a stronger, more connected CMAS community. Platform Expanding Career Opportunities Connecting students with industry professionals is a priority. I will actively promote career fairs, networking events, and co-op opportunities while expanding co-op conferences to benefit all CMAS societies. To ensure relevance, I will gather student feedback on preferred employers and industries, tailoring career events to their interests. Strengthening CMAS’s relationship with CASI will also increase networking opportunities. Workshops play a key role in career and personal development. I will organize leadership and professional development workshops alongside mental well-being sessions to promote balance. Industry speaker events will expose students to career paths, research advancements, and emerging technologies. Additionally, I will highlight faculty-led research opportunities and organize technical site visits, such as the Carleton Cogeneration Plant Tour. Enhancing Event Promotion & Engagement To maximize participation, I will improve event promotion by increasing advance notice through physical and virtual calendars. Extending promotion timelines will boost awareness and attendance. I will also work with the executive team to assess past events, expanding successful ones while introducing new initiatives to keep CMAS activities engaging. Additionally, I will collaborate with the Events Directors to implement student-driven ideas, ensuring CMAS continues to offer diverse opportunities that reflect student interests. Stronger event visibility and outreach will encourage greater student involvement. Fostering a Supportive & Inclusive Community Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment is essential. I will foster a culture that values work-life balance and ensures students feel supported academically and personally. Open communication between students, executives, and faculty will be a priority, fostering transparency and inclusivity. To strengthen the CMAS community, I will organize diverse events that cater to various student interests, ensuring all members feel included and engaged. Through these efforts, I aim to create a positive, supportive space where students can grow both professionally and socially.
Vice President Finance

Hey! My name is Olivia, I love spreadsheets and I even have a mug to prove it. I was also one of the 2024-2025 Carleton Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Society’s First Year Representatives. This position gave me the unique opportunity of engaging with many CMAS members and, integrally, the responsibility of organizing the budget for multiple CMAS events. I was also responsible for budgeting for the Art Programs I ran for the City of Ottawa. If I was electing a Vice President Finance, I would want to elect someone who is even-keeled, trustworthy and organized. I am a very stable person, and I am also extremely punctual, organized and professional. This is evident in the work I produce both within and outside of University. Outside of Engineering, I enjoy connecting with nature, writing, sketching and reading. I am uniquely qualified for this role as I have a surplus of experience in organization. I am extremely well versed in Excel and Google Sheets as a result of my position as a Data Analyst over the summer of 2024, and my use of both programs regularly in my personal budgeting and school assignment organization. Furthermore, my 10 years of coding experience allow me to quickly understand and wield the power of excel like you’ve never seen before. I will now divulge into some spreadsheets I have made purely for the purpose of making a spreadsheet: – Rating of every Hozier song released to date – In depth budgeting and day-by-day planning of a backpacking trip around Europe (this included currency conversions and an iterative program that modeled the several possible costs for the trip so that decisions could be more easily made) – Rating every day out of 10 and graphed against my best friends ratings (we are so in sync) – Budgeting for every camping, cottage or weekend trip I have ever been on. This becomes increasingly difficult when multiple people pay for different things, some people owe for certain events and not others, and so on. – A massive sheet containing every vocabulary term from Mike Runtz’s “Natural History” course, organized and colour coded by lecture, topic and subtopic. – An 18 page assignment tracker that updates my progress through the semester, running grade averages, lectures, exam review, project deadlines and more. This is my magnum opus. so many more i have a problem As CMAS Vice President Financial I would dedicate my time to ensuring that CMAS’s finances run smoothly and are extremely well organized. I would also advocate for transparency to members about CMAS’s finances throughout the year. I would use my skills to strive to make sure that the cost of memberships is more than worthwhile to the CMAS community (I will make sure that your money does good stuff). I really look forward to the opportunity to utilize my skill set for the society that made my first year so fun! I’ll be a freak in the sheets for your 2025-2026 CMAS exec team!
Vice President Services

Hey CMAS! I’m Liz, a third year aero and current CMAS Publications Director, and I’m running to be your next VP Services! I love keeping things organized, making spaces more welcoming, and ensuring our services run smoothly. Here’s what I plan to do: CMAS Stim Toy Jar: Introduce a stim toy jar to create a more inclusive and accessible environment for everyone who needs sensory-friendly options. Continuing from this past year: Keep up the amazing work with the office and calendar directors to maintain office vibes and scheduling + make sure the office remains a comfortable and welcoming space for everyone. Better Signage for Office Rules: Clear, Leos-style, visible signage that can aid office rule enforcement whether it’s about noise levels or cleanliness other issues. No More Train Tracks or Hot Wheels Womp Womp: Remove the train tracks to keep the space tidy and prevent unnecessary clutter. Merch: Continue with the tote bag order because Lexy cooked and I want a tote bag lol. I also would try to work with PrintShop to offer made-to-order posters so members can get cool designs without excess waste / having to store stock in the office. Office Cleanliness: I love cleaning lol let me lock in over the summer and deep clean the office. I’m all about making CMAS a more organized, accessible, and enjoyable space! Vote Liz for VP Services <3
Events Director

I want to continue hosting the awesome events that CMAS puts on like industry night and paper airplane, but I also want to look at making new events that people might be interested in attending. Another thing I would like to do is trying to get more attendance for events by different ways of advertising, whether just a simple email or posters I want more member to show up to our cool events. Why me you might ask, I have multiple volunteering position in C-Eng with a large majority being under VP-Social for CSES, like charity LAN logistics this year, or VAP sub director last year I bring to the table a lot of experience that I believe will benefit me in this position.
Office Director

Throughout my two years thus far involved in CMAS I’ve been in the office more often than not either working, talking to members and executives alike or working the front desk. I’ve had the privilege of being an office volunteer (23-24’ winter semester), second year representative (24-25’ academic year) and office coordinator (24-25’ December-end of academic year). From the very start with my office volunteer role I’ve been known to go above and beyond what was expected of me. I’d start to cover the shifts of anybody else following mine and built a strong foundation with the executive team of that year. As the second year representative I took it upon myself to take on the office portfolio starting in December after the previous office director had resigned effectively working two executive positions. All this to say that I love this community and what it has to offer and I’d dedicate almost anything to give back to it. If given the opportunity to serve as your office director I’d like to do the following for you: work closely with CMAS VP Services to ensure office goals are aligned and achievable, maintain a general tidiness of the office space to make a warm and welcoming environment for members and ensuring that there is proper communication and training to all office volunteers to help them all feel supported in their role. I’m practically always found in the office so please feel free to come say hi to me or ask me about anything about my campaign, time involved here in or outside CMAS!
Publications Director

Hi, my name is Abby and I make tik toks. I’m currently Jr. Pubs and if you have tik toks and follow the CMAS tok you may have seen some of my work. My main goals with becoming Pubs is improving out reach to the c-eng community. This will primarily take form in more short form video content as that is the primary way most of us consume content now, lets be so for real. I want to expand the fun tik toks into content informing the community about up coming events or any general news we have to share (in addition to regular posts). I also want to make more content about the office, who CMAS is, what we do, and the people that make everything happen, that way more people know they can come to us for help and hopefully help first years to not feel nervous about talking to us (I was one of those nervous first years once upon a time). Lets make the CMAS tik tok famous (and all our other social media platforms)!!
Technical Director

Hey everyone! My name is Fawaz Ishola, and I’m an Aerospace Engineering student passionate about aerodynamics and software development. I’ve always been excited about applying technical knowledge to everyday challenges, and I’m eager to bring that mindset to CMAS as your next Technical Director. My Experience Software & Engineering Background: Experience in software development, including app and website development, robotics (I can put stuff together and make it work) Technical expertise: worked in IT, troubleshooting student tech issues, whilst proposing and implementing software improvements. First-Year Representative for CMAS (I got DONUTS) My Vision for CMAS Technical Improve accessibility and usability of CMAS’s technical resources, such as 3D printers and workspace tools; yes, we have an ifixit toolkit. Introduce a “Tech Request Form” where members can request personalized guidance on fixing or troubleshooting equipment. Create a CMAS GitHub Repository where students can share CAD models, coding scripts, and engineering resources. Optimize the CMAS website for better usability, Add a real-time event calendar to keep members updated. Why Vote for Me? I’m dedicated to making CMAS’s technical side more accessible, useful, and innovative, and my mix of technical experience makes me ready to take on this role. Vote Fawaz Ishola for Technical Director! — “if it needs fixing, call Fawaz.” Long Live CMAS!

Aero Frutiger? More like Aero and Mech Frutiger!

Hello, my name is Coll and I’m running to be CMAS technical director for the 2025-2026 academic year. Some of you may know me as the guy who has had to open his laptop with the IFIXIT kit on at least 5 separate occasions this year. Should I be elected, the main thing I would like to focus on is improving and streamlining existing programs in the office and updating parts of the website, as many things are outdated and there is currently an issue with uploading files to it that I am working on resolving. I would also like to keep purchases to a minimum, although certain tools (such as the multimeter that doesn’t work) would have to be replaced. I hope you consider electing me as next year’s Technical Director. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions for other things you would like to see, I’m always happy to say hi!
Third Year Representative

As third year representative, I look to continue my focus on bringing opportunities to my peers, both for personal development and professionally. In terms of personal development, I plan on running the workshops I did not have a chance to run this year, including the design workshop and CAD/intro to 3D printing workshop. In terms of professional development, especially in the light of the co-op search many students face in third year, I will organize resume roasts and interview prep workshops. My main focus, however, will be to run once more the MAE career fair I spearheaded last year, using all the contacts and connections I acquired this year to include 15+ employers, and have it be promoted to students through many new avenues.
I also plan to continue in-class event promotion of CMAS events, but also talk to the third parties necessary to have a wider reach on MAE students, including the co-op newsletter and the MAE mailing list.
I will also place a focus on academic advocacy. I will ensure I attend student department meetings regularly and stay tuned to the concerns of third year students by working with the student department council coordinator to pick out recurring concerns and resolve them.
Finally, I will be planning a detailed schedule of exam destressor activities: after conducting surveys on my peers’ preferred destressors, I will ensure dates are booked well in advance to ensure they are prioritized near the end of the semester but before finals start. I believe I have all the skills to represent my peers well and relay their concerns in an appropriate manner.
Second Year Representative

Hello! I’m AJ Kieser and I was one of the CMAS First Year Representatives this past year! I really enjoyed this position and as a result have decided to run for Second Year Representative. I was also a First Year Rep for CUE this year, successfully running three events between my two positions. With CMAS, I helped run Egg Drop for CSES’s February Feel Good Week and Dress To Impress In Real Life, which both resulted in some fantastic cardboard and styrofoam creations (and one slingshot)! With CUE, I helped run Slay: The Normal Masquerade Ball Where Nothing Else Happens, which had a great turnout and was a really fun time for the organizers and attendees! I also helped the other CMAS Year Representatives in beginning to plan the Year Representatives Committee (also known as Repmittee). As Second Year Representative, I would like expand on the services CMAS offers to second years and refine the responsibilities of the position. I will work with the other Year Representatives to make Repmittee official and help it become an integral part of CMAS’s services. This includes expanding the CMAS resource library to be as helpful to future second years as possible. I also want to run an event aimed at second years to help spread the good word of CMAS and have a silly fun time. Fundamentally, the Second Year Rep position is about maintaining a connection with the second year student body and understanding what they need from CMAS. I will also help the future First Year Reps grow to be comfortable in their position and offer to them any advice I can. Finally, you should vote me for Second Year Rep so that I can collect all the Year Rep positions and achieve my final form as the Ultimate Representative!