Archive 2021-02-10

Folksy Wisdom II

Folksy Wisdom is a chance for first and second year students to meet and talk to upper year students, graduate students, and alumni! Come get some helpful advice on how to make the most of your engineering experience. Not sure what classes to take or which stream to choose? Not sure how you want to schedule your classes for second year? Not sure what to expect of an in person school year since your first year was online? Wondering about how you can get involved in the C-eng community or have any questions about co-op? Come out to Folksy Wisdom and you’ll be sure to get some helpful advice! Whether you’re a Mech, Aero, or Biomed student, or even if you’re just curious about one of these programs, be sure to stop by Folksy!

New Metamaterial Features Mechanical Properties That Can Be Reprogrammed

By EPFL JANUARY 20, 2021

Over the past 20 years, scientists have been developing metamaterials, or materials that don’t occur naturally and whose mechanical properties result from their designed structure rather than their chemical composition. They allow researchers to create materials with specific properties and shapes. Metamaterials are still not widely used in everyday objects, but that could soon change. Tian Chen, a post-doc at two EPFL labs — the Flexible Structures Laboratory, headed by Pedro Reis, and the Geometric Computing Laboratory, headed by Mark Pauly — has taken metamaterials one step further, developing one whose mechanical properties can be reprogrammed after the material has been made. His research appears in Nature.

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